Where find Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite

Where to find the Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite

Where to find the Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite
Written by Dhoom Strikas

Where to find the Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite – Welcome to a new post on www.fortnitememes.com

The last and toughest task in Fortnite’s week 2. Monarch missions, it may seem impossible to find this Level Up Token to the north in Greasy Grove.

This is due to the fact that players can look around the open fields for hours, but never locate it in the ground. As Fortnite is known to trick players by offering challenges similar to this, the reward is actually in the air above a spot you’ve probably seen it.

Where to find the Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite

You’ll need to start your quest by going to the white house on the northeastern side of Greasy Grove. From the backyard of the home, there’s an unpaved path that will bring you up the hill which houses the brick structure of the shed. 

Strangely enough, the symbol is floating above the shed, and it is possible to reach it easily by making an access ramp. If you’re in need of building materials, there are some trees that you can cut down just to on the side of the shed too.

Where to find the Level Up Token north of Greasy Grove in Fortnite

If this is the last Level Up Token that you need to collect during Weeks 1 and 2 grabbing this one up will earn you the exclusive challenge Glow Wrap. Monarch’s Golden skin by completing the forthcoming Week 3 and four challenges. 

Each new set of Monarch quests is released every Thursday at 9 AM ET However, they’ll expire when season 1 is over.

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