How to Change Valorant Username? Valorant ID Change [2021]

How to Change Valorant Username? – Valorant ID Change

How to Change Valorant Username? – Valorant ID Change
Written by Dhoom Strikas

How to change Valorant usernamename?: If you are someone who loves playing Riot games, but got bored of your old Valorant name, or want to change your Valorant username for any other reason, then this is the right place for you to get all the required details for your guidance.

Wondering how to change Valorant username or display ID? Don’t worry you have landed up to the perfect place. The name in Valorant is connected to the user’s Riot games account. It is a combination of two parts, the Riot ID and the tagline part. To change the Valorant name you must change both Riot ID and the tagline.

How to Change Valorant Username? Step By Step Guide

How to change Valorant name is no more a concern. We have listed the steps required to change the name in Valorant to make it easy for you. All you have to do is to follow the below-mentioned steps :

  • Open in your browser.
  • If required, verify your account by logging into the email address you used at the time of account creation.
  • Log in using the proper credentials.
  • Select Riot ID from the options under account management.
  • Click on the current Riot ID and delete it.
  • Enter your desired new display name, ie. a combination of Riot ID and Tagline.
  • Save the changes made to the Riot ID and Tagline.
  • Your new Valorant display name is ready for use.
how to change valorant username

After the successful change in both Riot ID and Tagline, it will be reflected in the display name of Valorant. If you do not choose to change your tagline, a default tagline based on your region will be assigned to you by Riot, for example, NA1 for North America.

Is this Valorant Username Change Chargable?

This is the concern of most of the Riot players. But don’t worry, the name change in Valorant is absolutely free of cost, unlike any other Riot game. You are not required to spend even a single currency or Riot point to get your name changed in Valorant. You can change your display name and tagline in Valorant once every 30 days for free.

Things that must be ensured while changing the Valorant Username:

The Riot IDs can be up to a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 16 characters long. It can also include numbers. It should not contain personal identifying information like your real name or address. For the tagline, the case is a little different.

It has options between letters and numbers and is limited to a maximum of five characters only. Taglines are mainly used to differentiate between the users with the same name.

how to change valorant username

Before changing the Riot ID to change the display name in Valorant, you must make sure that the game client is closed. You can change your display ID name in Valorant for free after every 30 days as per your requirement.

You can choose names as per your choice but make sure to avoid offensive names, Riot declared that offensive names will be changed forcibly.

Some of these offending names include Hate speech, slurs, or disruptive names. If this code of conduct is not followed the Riot client will force you to change the Riot ID into some non-offensive ID.

Some additional information related to Valorant Username change:

Multiple users can use the same display names with the help of a hashtag. It allows multiple users to use the same display name followed by different letters and numbers, but this does not apply in the case of User-name.

Username should always be unique, ie. no two users can have a common user name, and having a unique user name suggests a unique password for every unique user name.

Can I hide my Valorant Username from players outside my party?

Most of the Valorant players have doubts regarding the privacy policy of Valorant. The answer to this question is a big yes. Privacy features under Valorant allow its users to hide their user names by replacing their names with generic agent names. This privacy section under general settings includes multiple options, ie. “Hide my name from players outside my party”, “Use generic Names for players outside my party”, and “Auto reject Friend requests”.

You can choose the sub-options under these privacy options as follows:

  1. Hide my name from Players outside my party: ON
  2. Use generic Names for Players outside my party: ON
  3. Auto reject friend requests: OFF

Just one month and you are ready to have a changed Valorant name

Now no need to think twice about how to change Valorant name. Just follow the steps mentioned in our guide to choose the best name for yourself. We have tried to cover all your concerns related to Valorant name change in this guide. For any further queries, you can drop comments in the comment section.

Also do let us know about your exciting display names in the comments and stay connected with our page for more details on trending topics.

If you are someone who loves playing Riot games, but got bored of your old Valorant name, or want to change your Valorant name for any other reason, then this is the right place for you to get all the required details for your guidance.

Wondering how to change Valorant name? Don’t worry you have landed up to the perfect place. The name in Valorant is connected to the user’s Riot games account.

It is a combination of two parts, the Riot ID and the tagline part. To change the Valorant username you must change both Riot ID and the tagline.

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