Where to Set Up Recon Cameras to Get Info on Doomsday Device
News Fortnite

Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2

Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
Written by Dhoom Strikas

Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2: Welcome to a new post on www.fortnitememes.com

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 could see a significant change. The Resistance questline revealed that the enemy IO Forces are developing a doomsday weapon that could wipe out a large portion of the map. To better understand the device’s power, the questline asks players to set up recon cameras at Loot lake to obtain more information. This is where you can set up these cameras and earn thousands of XP.

This quest should be started by going to the north shore of Loot lake. If you have difficulty finding the location, the body of water between The Fortress (in the middle) and Coney Crossroads (in the middle) is what will help. 

You may see holograms with these recon cameras all around the lake, as shown in the above illustration. These holograms indicate where to interactively plant each camera. To complete the objective, you will only need three plants.

You can discover these recon camera locations marked and detailed below.

Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite
Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite

Where to set up recon cameras to get info on the doomsday device in Fortnite

  • Recon Camera #1: To find the first camera, walk along the right side of Loot Lake’s beach. North of the location’s stream, a hologram can be found sitting on the sand.
  • Recon Camera #2: The next location will require that you go to the island at the center of Loot Lake. Once there, you can discover this camera on the south side, behind a blue shed.
  • Recon Camera #3: Lastly, you’ll want to head to the IO outpost southeast of the lake. This hologram should be in front of the buildings, alongside a tree.

After you’ve visited each location, the quest will gift a handsome reward of 23,000 XP as well as another Uplink quest in Synapse Station.

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