How to Get the Bruno Mars Skin in Fortnite? - 100% Working
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How to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite?

How to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite?
Written by Dhoom Strikas

How to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite: Epic Games is continuing to add celebrity skins to the popular game. Earlier this year, Ariana Grande and The Rock joined the game. This time, they’re joining forces with R&B duo Silk Sonic. Anderson. Paak and Bruno Mars will soon join the ranks.

The Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite is one of the upcoming character skins. It will be available on February 10 and will follow in the footsteps of Major Lazer and Marshmello. The silk Sonic outfit is part of the Silk Sonic series, which is a style based on 60s soul music.

Fans will be happy to see these artists on their favorite battle royale game!

Here’s how to get Bruno Mars Fortnite skins.

How to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite

In Fortnite, you can purchase a new skin if you’re a fan of the music genre. You’ll be able to purchase the Bruno Mars skin in the in-game V-Bucks shop on February 10.

How to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite?

The Silk Sonic Duo will be available only through the Item Shop. They’ll be available to purchase on February 10 as part of the Icon Series. They’ll cost 1,500 V-Bucks each and will only be sold in the Item Store.

Another way to get the Bruno Mars skin in Fortnite is to complete the Silk Sonic Cup. It’s a competition in which players earn eight points. Once you’ve earned eight points, you’ll receive the Bruno Mars skin as well as the Anderson.Paak skin.

The Silk Sonic Cup will start on Feb. 7. You’ll need to earn 100 points by competing in ten matches over three hours in Battle Royale mode. The winners in the regional leaderboards will receive their free skins.

The next skin in the Icon Series will be inspired by R&B singers Bruno Mars and Anderson.Paak. The two will be featured on the Fortnite Item Shop.

How To Get Bruno Mars Skin Skin FREE In Fortnite

The Icon Radio station will also feature the artists’ songs. You’ll need to be a member of the Silk Sonic Cup to earn this skin. If you’re a Fortnite player, you can purchase the Silk Sonic Set as part of the event.

The Silk Sonic Cup will be available in Fortnite on February 10 at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET on the Epic Games website. The game’s other Icon Series skin will be released on Monday, February 7, and will feature R&B artist Bruno Mars and rapper Anderson.Paak.

The two artists will be featured in the game’s Icon Radio station. They’ll also be featured in the Icon series on the game’s PlayStation 4.

There are three different styles to choose from. Then, choose one that matches your personality. This is the perfect way to get a unique skin in Fortnite!

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