How to use Split Screen in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1

How to use Split Screen in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1

How to use Split Screen in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1
Written by Dhoom Strikas

How to use Split Screen in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1: Fortnite Chapter 3 has treated players to a lot of great, new, and much-needed content like the sliding mechanic, split-screen, new weapons, and more. The split screen feature is not new to the game but Epic decided to disable it up until Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1.

After the v19.01 update in Chapter 3 Season 1, the split-screen mode was re-enabled by the developers, meaning you can once again enjoy sessions with friends at home, with each player’s POV appearing on one half of the screen.

If you don’t know how to use the split screen feature in Chapter 3 Season 1 then this guide will help you do just that and enjoy the game with your friends.

How to play split-screen in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1

split screen in Fortnite Chapter 3

Before understanding how to use the feature, it is worth noting that currently, split-screen is only available on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles. The developers have not hinted if or when PC, Nintendo Switch, or mobile platforms will get this feature.

With that said, here’s how you can enable the split screen feature within Chapter 3 Season 1:

  1. Go to the game’s main lobby on the main player’s account.
  2. Enable the second controller, and log into the second player’s account when asked.
  3. On the bottom of your screen, you’ll notice the option to press Triangle (PlayStation) or Y (Xbox) button depending on your console. This will log Player Two into the game
  4. Once done, both players should now be available within the lobby area of the game.

That’s all. This will allow you and your friend to enjoy the game in a split screen format. However, the game session will end if one player is disconnected, even if the other player remains connected. Each player will have their own personal inventory and they will have to gather their own resources and materials to craft and upgrade items.

In chapter 3 season 1 split screen was disabled for 2 weeks for some reason this was terrible because we had to take turns playing fortnite which meant we didn’t get the full experience of the new chapter.

In chapter 3 season 1 split screen was disabled for 2 weeks for some reason this was terrible because we had to take turns playing fortnite which meant we didn’t get the full experience of the new chapter.

Also ReadArticle Continues below

Currently, you can use the split-screen in Duos and Squads modes within the Battle Royale mode when two players are connected to the same console and the same goes for Creative, Limited Time Modes (LTMs) and Save the World. Additionally, cross-play between console platforms does support shared screens.

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