10+ Best Fortnite Horror Codes▷Scary Creative Fortnite Map

Best Fortnite Horror Codes-Top Scary Creative Fortnite Map Codes

Best Fortnite Horror Codes-Top Scary Creative Fortnite Map Codes
Written by Dhoom Strikas

Best Fortnite Horror Codes 2022 – Fortnite is a creative world and Battle Royale Game with a lot of audiences and we can state that we can see it has achieved the milestone of  350 million players (registered players).

More players come with more ideas and as we all know that this is a creative mode game also so the game allows the player to make their own world according to them only.

Many world themes are used now in-game like Squid Game theme also become so popular but the all-time favorite theme for creators is a horror theme, so we are having Fortnite Spooky Map Codes only for you.

Best Fortnite Horror Codes Map List

Map NameCodeCreator Name
Dead  8099-5981-3796By Fortlight  
Vampire Goth Throne Room  1098-4853-0900By LETKVLEDHINGS2
Horror Map By XFIGHTOR      4629-1310-1794By XFIGTOR
Subway Escape 0168-4640-6811By WISHBON_45
Infiltrated – Multiplayer Horror  5452-4165-5498BY TACTTACT_
The Hospital Escape  6595-8752-4901BY 2X VOID
The ScareCrow Horror Map  3759-4472-8202BY ARMYSETS
The Apartment  9833-8062-2391BY A UNKNOWN USER
The Soul Within (Duo)  1774-7942-6848BY LIOZ
Carnival2385-3342-5568By Wishbone_45  

Dead By Fortlight:-


 It is a 3 player horror map world, in this world, you are in the woods and a killer is in search of you, you have to cross woods which are having horror surroundings, without coming in contact with that killer, if you fail he will kill you.

Vampire Goth Throne Room By LETKVLEDHINGS2


This is a vampire goth-themed Halloween hub or we can say a room full of vampires and rooms are made up of  Halloween themes so you can play this mode if you want to enjoy a Halloween party.

Horror Map By XFIGHTOR

CODE:- 4629-1310-1794

Map Horror is based on horror movies like Exorcists, Insidious, and much more. In this, you can see ghosts between the matches like those shown in the movie. This map is so adventurous that you have to escape from that room as ghosts can not be defeated.

Subway Escape By (WISHBON_45)


So basically in this map, a storyline is there in which you are traveling in a train but it crashed and you are now struct in a horror place so you have to survive and have to make a way out of that wood, creators sometimes state that it is not even scary but big creators have told that you will have fun playing it and its sound effect is so good and really this map is so good.

Infiltrated – Multiplayer Horror By TACTTACT_

CODE:- 5452-4165-5498

10 survivors are taken to an abandoned park and the player have to collect 7 power cells to reach the terminal and call for help but wait they are not alone in the garden there is a monster with them who will stop them and can neutralize any of them so the player has to play safe and find that cells for help, this map is horror in the real sense.

The Hospital Escape By 2x VOID


This map is just so much horror because of its music so basically, its story is an old horror story in which you are lost in the woods and then you find an old hospital where you spend your night but you were not alone in that hospital, then ghost attack on you and you have to survive to make a way out for you, so you need more IQ instead of aggression in this map.

The ScareCrow Horror Map By ARMYSETS


This is a simple map with open ground and a full moon sky. Its sound is so scary but wait  you are not alone on that field there are so many uninvited ghosts on that field so be attentive and make a way out for yourself.

The Apartment By Unknown_User

CODE:- 9833-8062-2391

In this map, a storyline is there in starting you buy an apartment but my mistake of the seller this map is hosted by a ghost which is troubling you so you have to find the problem of that ghost and have to solve that problem to make ghost happy.

The Soul Within (Duo) By LIEOZ


This map is so scary because of the effects and sound used in it. It is a two-player horror map in which you have to tackle a soul. I can say you will enjoy playing on this map.

The Carnival Escape By Wishbone_45


Think you arrive at a carnival but nobody is there except some clowns who are not looking friendly and suddenly all doors of the carnival close and you are trapped in a mysterious lock-in. Now you have to make a way out from a ghost carnival which is so scary. I can say Carnival is the scariest world of Fortnite. Here was our top 10 scariest maps of Fortnite

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